Receive children in reverence, educate them in love, and let them go forth in freedom.


Our School

Here, every child is seen as a unique individual with his/her gifts and potential that unfold when the time is ripe. We have an excellent team in place, that is whole-heartedly committed to making the learning environment rich through play, movement, music, art, stories, and hands-on experiences. We celebrate imagination and creativity over test scores and working with peers in harmony over competition.


Imagination is not merely a cognitive faculty that sets humans apart from the other species of animal kingdom, but it’s a deeply spiritual transformative force that shapes our understanding of self and the world we live in. Imagination enables us to create art, invent technology, and formulate abstract concepts such as love, justice and freedom.

Truth, Beauty and Goodness

Rudolf Steiner stated that the primary function of education is to exercise the students’ faculties of thinking, feeling and willing. These basic human qualities manifest in civilization as the “eternal verities” of truth, beauty and goodness, and these in turn in science, art and religion.


We stand for collaboration over competition. Cultivating the spirit of co-operation and mutual respect. It’s a way to develop important social skills such as the art of communication, conflict resolution and living in harmony with each other embracing our diversities.

Programs Offered

“It takes a whole village to raise a child”
–An African Proverb

The early childhood program in Steiner-Waldorf schools holds a very significant place in the overall educational journey of a child. 0 to 7 are the most crucial years where the foundations for future learning and growth are laid.

It has become even more significant in modern-day societies as families tend to be smaller and children have fewer opportunities for social interaction with other children and extended family members. A child does not grow up in a single home, but its upbringing belongs to the community, and we at Banyan Earth School, embrace the collective responsibility of raising children.

We have created three beautiful, nurturing programs where every child has the opportunity to thrive.

Play-group: 18 m to 3 y

Nursery: 3 to 4 y

Kindergarten: 4 to 6 y

Why Banyan Earth School?

Embracing Waldorf Philosophy

At Banyan Earth School, we wholeheartedly embrace the Waldorf philosophy. We believe in cultivating a love for learning, allowing children to develop their innate curiosity and explore the world through experiential, hands-on activities. Our curriculum integrates art, music, movement, and drama into every facet of education, fostering a well-rounded and imaginative approach to learning.

Holistic Development

We understand that education goes beyond academics. Our focus extends to nurturing the emotional and social intelligence of our students. By providing a nurturing and supportive environment, we empower children to grow into confident, compassionate individuals who can thrive in an interconnected world.

Creative Expression

The arts are integral to our curriculum. From painting and sculpture to music and theater, our students engage in artistic activities that enhance their imagination, creativity, and self-expression. Through these artistic endeavors, we believe children develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Individualized Learning

Recognizing that each child is unique, our dedicated teachers tailor instruction to meet the needs of every student. Our small class sizes foster personalized attention, allowing us to guide and support each child’s academic and personal growth.

Connection with Nature

Banyan Earth School is nestled in a serene natural environment that serves as an extension of our classroom. We value the connection between children and the natural world, fostering a deep appreciation for the environment and instilling a sense of responsibility for its preservation.

Community and Parent Involvement

We believe in the power of a strong community. Banyan Earth School encourages active parental involvement and fosters a sense of belonging among students, teachers, and families. Together, we create a supportive network that enhances the educational experience for everyone involved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Banyan Earth School similar to a Montessori school?

Montessori and Steiner-Waldorf’s educational approaches began with a similar objective of providing an age-appropriate curriculum to the child and addressing the child’s need for an experiential environment to learn not only intellectually but also practically. However, the two approaches differ in their methods. Montessori is known for its cognitive approach and often uses specially designed materials to engage children in hands-on learning activities. Steiner– Waldorf philosophy, on the other hand, is known for the ‘whole-child’ approach, also known as the head, heart, and hands. It emphasizes imagination, creativity, exploration at the child’s natural pace, and artistic expression. Music and stories are used as mediums to introduce concepts, and children are given time and space for free play to help process the sensory environment.

How do Waldorf students fare when they change schools?

It’s interesting to note the differences in adjustment when students transition between Steiner-Waldorf and mainstream schools. Waldorf students transferring to mainstream schools may need to catch up in certain academic areas like reading and the sciences, as Steiner-Waldorf schools prioritize a holistic approach over early intellectual advancement. However, they often excel in areas such as bodily coordination, artistic skills, and listening skills, which can give them an advantage.

On the other hand, mainstream students transitioning to Waldorf schools may have a wealth of factual knowledge but may lag in social skills, artistic expression, physical coordination, and listening skills. However, they often show new enthusiasm for learning and working in the Steiner-Waldorf environment, and parents often observe their children becoming more relaxed and settled over time.

Are Steiner-Waldorf schools religious?

Steiner-Waldorf schools are non-sectarian, non-denominational, and do not adhere to any religious doctrine or path. There is no religious instruction in a Waldorf school. We do however, acknowledge the spiritual dimension of human beings, warmly embracing all faiths and creeds, creating a respectful environment for students of various backgrounds, and fostering a sense of unity and understanding among them.

Can my child join mid-session?

Yes, as long as we have an open seat in the program you are looking at, please contact us so we can work with you.

Why do parents choose Steiner-Waldorf education for their children?

Parents choose Steiner-Waldorf education for their children because they understand that it is a holistic, well-rounded approach that nurtures the creative and analytical aspects of a child’s development in a balanced way. It also fosters emotional intelligence, empathy, and self-awareness, which are the building blocks of a healthy social life. The ability to think creatively and freely, going beyond norms, is much needed in our rapidly changing, complex world. It is required to analyze information from multiple perspectives, see the big picture and produce fresh ideas and solutions to situations. Emotional intelligence, empathy, and self-awareness help build healthy relationships and help navigate complex social situations, resulting in a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life in society.

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